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(336) 375-2939
Fitness By Design
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Personal Training, Greensboro, NC

We provide private, semi-private, and small group personal training in the Greensboro, NC area.

Fitness trainer helping woman

If you feel like you’ve hit a plateau with your workout routine, come and see us at Fitness By Design. We highly recommend working with one of our trainers because the benefits of personal training are numerous. For instance, when you work one of our trainers, you may be better able to reach your fitness goals by participating in exercise routines that are specifically designed for you.

There are three separate types of personal training that we provide in the Greensboro, North Carolina area:

  • Private Personal Training – If you decide to participate in private personal training sessions, you will receive dedicated attention from one of our experienced fitness professionals.
  • Semi-Private Personal Training – Our semi-private personal training sessions feature individualized training alongside other people who are working on similar goals.
  • Small Group Training – During group training sessions, we will provide you and a few other people with training assistance at the same time.

If you decide to participate in private, semi-private, or group personal training, the first thing you will need to do is schedule a consultation with one of our trainers. During this consultation, your personal trainer will assess your fitness goals, past health history, and current fitness level. Then, they will customize a workout plan for you.

Make a commitment to improve your personal fitness level by working with one of our personal trainers. For more information about our personal training sessions and what they include or our personal trainers, give us a call at Fitness By Design today.


Personal Training Packages Discounts May Be Available Per Trainer

1 Hour Private Session…………………………………………… $60
30 Minute Private Session………………………………………. $40
Buddy Training (1 hour)…………………………………………. $35
Buddy Training (1/2 hour)………………………………………. $25