Home > Fitness By Design Blog > Head to a Pilates Studio for Peace of Mind

Pilates Studio

Do you feel like the world has gotten a bit crazier and it is getting harder to keep positive and have peace of mind about your circumstances and life? Don’t feel bad. Many people are feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders these days. It isn’t about finding the solutions to all your problems that will give you the peace of mind you seek. It may be as attainable as heading to your local pilates studio. Surprised? Then read on.

The most amazing things happen when you find out that pilates isn’t just sculpting your body by freeing your mind in the process. When you begin enjoying the serenity and energy that comes with the workouts you’ll do at a pilates studio, it can quite literally change how you view the world. Here are a few things that pilates is scientifically proven to do:

  • Improve memory and get smarter. Did you know that your brain shrinks as you grow older? The good news is that we can create new cells and exercise does that while protecting the ones you already have. Studies have shown that exercise particularly helps the parts of your brain responsible for learning and memory. What’s more is that pilates has been shown to outperform aerobic exercise in this regard.
  • Mindfulness and concentration. The benefits of concentrating while going through a pilates workout are much like those experienced during meditation. The list of benefits that aid toward peace of mind are endless, including relieving stress, anxiety and depression while controlling negative emotions and sharpening the mind.
  • Taming stress. Stress is a killer, quite literally, and it robs you of peace of mind besides. You can tame stress by regular visits to a pilates studio. Those mindful movements can help you release emotional tensions that you may not even realize you are doing, such as clenching your jaw or tightening muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back.

If you are looking for a pilates studio in the Greensboro, North Carolina area that can help you with pilates fitness for peace of mind and overall improved health, come see us at Fitness By Design. We individualize workout programs to match your fitness level and specific needs. Pilates has significant benefits for everyone at every age and we are confident we can help you find the peace of mind you are searching for.